AFDS Public Service Announcement.

Look around you. Look at other countries too.
Everything is closed.
Well, almost everything!

If we have to turn the clock back, we have to stop this pandemic.
The march of this virus has to be stopped. Only then can we put the economy back on track.

How can we contain the spread of the virus?

The best solution is to break the chain of transmission. It can only be achieved by limiting our exposure to the pathogen.

That would mean remaining indoors. Which is why all affected countries are asking people to stay home.

Staying home makes you safe. Your family too. Your community becomes safer. The country and the world will soon return to normality.

For a mobile generation like us today, it is painful to remain indoors.

Staying home is a sacrifice. But it’s no sacrifice like the ones our grandparents made. They left home and hearth to fight the Second World War. Some of our parents or their peers wore the uniform to fight for their country. Our sacrifice pales in comparison.

Let’s stay at home. Watch TV. Read books. Cook food. Or order home deliveries. Chat online and talk to each other. Our family bonds and friendships will grow stronger.

This will help stop the virus and heal the Earth.

Only then can we return to the streets and parks, our economies will flourish, jobs will return and maybe we would have saved the world too.

So stay home. Stay safe.

Remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle of a proper diet, sufficient sleep and exercise!

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